Niels Rodin's citrus farm is diversifying and invites you to discover its world and its many facets

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What we do

Creators of Fine Food Products

Our gourmet creations are the result of our conscientious reflections from the desire to enhance, in the best way possible, the subtle and extraordinary tastes of our fruits. From seasonings to fruit jams, chocolates to liquors, the essence of House Niels Rodin is available throughout the year and we introduce yearly new products and collaborations with talented artisans.

Discovering new flavours

In addition to citrus fruits, we also strive to cultivate other fruits and wonders of nature such as ginger, turmeric, melons and watermelon, local heritage or long-forgotten exotic species from distant countries. Each of these wonders must have a real organoleptic personality, far from the industrial standards.

Botanical conservation

All these years of meticulous efforts to collect precious, rare or historical varieties merits to be preserved for our future generations; We are honored to be a contributor to the Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland and the Hanbury Botanical Garden of Ventimiglia in Italy.


Our crops are certified organic, we strive to recreate ecosystems balanced between fauna and flora with a maximum of biodiversity and by applying the principles of permaculture. Our different outdoor fruit orchards offer us the opportunity to explore the different cultural techniques, ancestral and modern, but always with respect for nature.

Experimental agriculture

Cultivating citrus plants outside the Mediterranean area requires some technical expertise. After a phase of acclimatization, our fruit trees are grown and preserved in low-heated and frost-free greenhouses. Other citrus fruits are frost hardy, planted in the open ground, which opens up to multiple possibilities for further development.

Citrus Selection

Our planet is wonderfully abundant in different and original varieties of citruses, each of them unique in their own ways. The new flavors which we offer has undergone a rigorous selection and testing process, which in some cases, lasting up to several years. Some varieties fail to flourish to their full potential, when cultivated outside of their natural territory, like the exquisite blood oranges which we chose not to cultivate in our farm.